
Masterclass Crisismanagement
June 13, 2024 – Together with Ploum Law Firm
In this masterclass we highlight the (possible) impact of a crisis and provide insight into how the board/management can take back control of the situation as quickly as possible with a strategic approach, regardless of the type of crisis you are dealing with.
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Facts or perceptions
How to maintain public support during a crisis
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Babboe Cargobikes and the Dutch public broadcaster NPO all faced an investigation which showed negative results and attracted a high level of media attention. All three organisations responded in a defensive manner, questioning the investigation. Is this an effective approach? How do you navigate such a situation and what are the principles to stick to when you have to make an initial response? Herewith we share a few insights.
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From victim to player
The power of working with scenarios
A crisis that keeps rearing its head, no matter what you do. Emotions continue to run high, and doubts about the credibility of your organization only grow. Although every situation is different, there are ways to swiftly regain control. To understand how, we delve deeper into two crucial elements of effective crisis management: scenario planning and leadership.
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Crisis leadership for executives
Round table discussion February 8, 2024
Do you ever feel that you’ve reasonably covered all risks for your organization, yet still wonder if you can swiftly regain control if something goes significantly wrong? You’re not alone!
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