Our goal is to ensure you feel empowered to lead and successfully navigate any critical situation

Our role

Our training, advice and support enable clients to confidently move forward and advance in potential danger zones by exploring new ground and new opportunities, while remaining alert to the potential consequences of every move. Operating in a demanding environment can be challenging, but we’re here to keep you balanced in unsteady circumstances, with feet firmly on the ground.

Our role is to refresh your strategic thinking and to be curious, to look at things in a different and innovative way that broadens your perspective, gives space for clarity, identifies solutions and creates a clearer view of the way ahead.

Our approach

At The New Edge, we’ve developed a simple, intuitive and fit-for-purpose 360° process that enables clients to build, refine and hone their critical leadershipcompetence in five stages. We love to coach and train our clients with bespoke training tailored to their individual needs. We create a safe environment for clients to develop the competence and grow the team’s confidence in their own capability.

Our 5-stage approach


We implement a cyclical process

  • Prepare
  • Activate
  • Resolve
  • Learn


We train critical leadership roles and their support recources

  • Knowledge
  • Competencies
  • Skills
  • Collaboration

Decision making

We bring a simple methodology for strategic decision making

  • Understand
  • Assess
  • Decide
  • Engage


We document all arrangements

  • Policy
  • Crisis manual
  • Interfaces with other processes
  • Tools & templates


We assess the competence and help build routine

  • Simulations
  • Desktop exercises
  • Observation
  • Evaluation

Our approach leads to

  • clear team roles and responsibilities
  • smooth and aligned processes
  • focused and collaborating teams
  • increased stakeholder awareness
  • an appropriate balance between long(er) term strategy and short term actions

An adequate rhythm of decision making and implementation of actions and stakeholder engagements will be established.

As part of the capability, we integrate processes for e.g. scenario planning, information management, log keeping, stakeholder management, crisis communication and (social) media management.

Our approach leads to a well-run and effective team effort

Enshrining critical leadership capabilities in corporate governance

We believe it’s crucial that the critical leadership capability is embedded in every organisation’s governance structure. Our consultants will provide you with the necessary tools and support to get this in place. Our process is fully auditable and aligned with the International Standard for Crisis Management (BSI 11.200: 2014) and the BSI European technical specification for Crisis Management (PD CEN/TS 17091).